Sunday 26 January 2014

Surprise .. Cassese withdraw the complaint against Russell!

The Spaniard Jordi Cassese, a member of the General Assembly 's opposition leader FC Barcelona and campaign -confidence motion to withdraw the complaint against the Catalan club president Sandro Rosell resigned stressing that he achieved his goal and is satisfied with what happened with the new president took over the management Bartomao Barcelona recently .

The Vanguardia newspaper reported that it is now , however, the judge in the case, which complete the concession owner ( Cassis ) or by keeping the issue and end the crisis which led to the resignation of Russell .

Revealed some Spanish media Secrets resignation of Russell confirmed that the issue of Neymar is not the main cause of it, but is an additional reason only , stressing that the death threats and the state of the horror experienced by his family in the last period , the main secrets of the resignation of Russell .
Russell gave his resignation because his bad psychological condition because of the death threats , which since yesterday is with his family in London to change the atmosphere after the past few months they have experienced and that was difficult for them , Russell chose his family .

The Cassese has submitted a formal communication to the Spanish authorities against Rosell accusing him of embezzling 40 million euros in a deal which Neymar , prompting Russell to resign , especially after receiving death threats .

It has already been said Jordi Cassese representative that his client may withdraw the complaint against the former club president Sandro Rosell on contract with Neymar and Santos brought from last summer, pointing out that he does not want to cause more harm to the Catalan club .

The lawyer said Felipe Izquierdo radio RAC 1: " In my opinion, it should stop now .. the problem at this stage we are going through that there are people who have nothing to do Barcelona have benefited from this situation and become a party to the complaint to try to harm the club - I do not want that to happen ."

Felipe also stressed that the withdrawal of the suit is not related to the resignation of Russell and said " nothing to do with this thing .. surprised Jordi Cassese decision ."

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